Google Sheets - Quick Reference Guide

Sheets Keyboard Shortcuts
Use ⌘ for Mac or Ctrl for Windows, Chrome OS.
Common actions | Keyboard shortcut |
Select column | Ctrl + Space |
Select row | Shift + Space |
Insert a link | ⌘/Ctrl + k |
Open Explore | Alt + Shift + x |
Insert new sheet | Shift + F11 |
Format cells | Keyboard shortcut |
Bold | ⌘/Ctrl + b |
Underline | ⌘/Ctrl + u |
Italic | ⌘/Ctrl + i |
Apply right border | Option + Shift + 4 |
Apply top border | Option + Shift + 1 |
Clear formatting | ⌘/Ctrl + \ |
Center align | ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + e |
Right align | ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + r |
Left align | ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + l |
Apply left border | Option + Shift + 2 |
Apply bottom border | Option + Shift + 3 |
Change rows and columns | Keyboard shortcut |
Hide row | ⌘/Ctrl + Alt + 9 |
Group rows or columns | Alt + Shift + Right arrow |
Unhide row | ⌘/Ctrl + Shift + 9 |
Ungroup rows or columns | Alt + Shift + Left arrow |
Add notes and comments | Keyboard shortcut |
Insert/edit note | Shift + F2 |
Insert comment | ⌘/Ctrl + Alt + m |
Open comment discussion thread | ⌘/Ctrl + Alt + Shift + a |
Note: Click to see a complete list of keyboard shortcuts
Sheet Fundamentals
Create a Spreadsheet from Google Drive: In Google Drive, click the New + button and select Google Sheets.
Open a Spreadsheet: Click File on the menu bar, select Open, then navigate to the file you want to open. Select the spreadsheet and click Open.
Rename a Spreadsheet: Click in the spreadsheet name field at the top of an open spreadsheet. Type a name and press Enter.
Star a Spreadsheet: Click the Star button next to the spreadsheet name. The file appears in the Starred section of Google Drive.
Copy a Spreadsheet: Click File on the menu bar and select Make a copy. Enter a name for the copied sheet and specify the folder where you want to save it. Click OK.
Move a Spreadsheet: Click File on the menu bar and select Move to. Navigate to the folder where you want to move the spreadsheet and click Move here.
Delete a Spreadsheet: Click File on the menu bar and select Move to trash.
Print: Click File on the menu bar, select Print, specify the print settings, and click Print.
Search Help Topics: Click Help on the menu bar and select Sheets Help. Type a keyword or phrase in the Search Help field and press Enter. Select the desired help topic.
Edit Spreadsheets
Select Cells: Click a cell to select it. Click a row or column heading to select the entire row or column.
Edit Cell Data: Click the cell where you want to modify data, type the data, and press Enter.
Copy and Paste: Select the cell(s) you want to copy, click Edit on the menu bar, and select Copy. Click where you want to paste the data, click Edit on the menu bar, and select Paste.
Cut and Paste: Select the cell(s) you want to cut, click Edit on the menu bar, and select Cut. Click the cell(s) where you want to paste the data, then click Edit on the menu bar, and select Paste.
Insert Rows or Columns: Select the column or row where you want to insert new cells. Click Insert on the menu bar and select either Column left / Row above or Column right / Row below.
Move Cells: Select the cell(s) you want to move. Hover over the outline of the selected cells, then click and drag the cells to a new location.
Delete Cells: Select the cell or cell range you want to delete, click Edit on the menu bar, and select a delete option.
Hide a Row or Column: Right-click a row or column header and select Hide Row or Hide Column.
Find Text: Click Edit on the menu bar and select Find and replace. Enter a word or phrase in the Find field and click Find to jump to the first occurrence in the sheet.
Replace Text: Click Edit on the menu bar and select Find and replace. Enter a word or phrase in the Find field, then enter the text that will replace it in the Replace with field. Click Replace or Replace all.
Check Spelling: Click Tools on the menu bar, select Spelling, and select Spell check. Click Ignore to ignore instances of the misspelled word, or click Change to replace the misspelling with the selected word.
Format Spreadsheets
Change the Font: Select the cell(s) you want to format, click the Font list arrow on the formatting toolbar, and select a new font.
Change the Font Size: Select the cell(s) you want to format, click the Font size list arrow on the formatting toolbar, and select a new font size.
Change the Text Color: Select the cell(s) you want to format, click the Text color button on the formatting toolbar, and select a new color.
Change Cell Alignment: Select a cell or cell range, click the Horizontal align or Vertical align button on the formatting toolbar, then select an alignment option.
Merge Cells: Select a cell range and click the Merge cells button on the formatting toolbar.
Wrap Text: Select a cell or cell range, click the Text wrapping button on the formatting toolbar, and select a text wrapping option.
Add a Cell Border: Select a cell or cell range, click the Borders button on the formatting toolbar, and select a border option.
Apply Number Formatting: Select a cell or cell range, click Format on the menu bar, select Number, and select a number format.
Freeze a Row or Column: Click View on the menu bar, select Freeze, and select a freeze option.
Copy Formatting: Select a cell or cell range with formatting that you want to copy. Click the Paint format button on the formatting toolbar, then select the cell or cell range you want to apply the formatting to.
Formulas & Functions
Create a Formula: Select the cell where you want to enter a formula. Press =, then enter the formula using numbers, cell references, and/or mathematical operators. press Enter.
Insert a Function: Click in the cell where you want to add a function. Click Insert on the menu bar, select Function, select a category, then select a function. Enter the functions arguments and press Enter.
The Sum Function: Click the cell where you want to add the SUM function. Click Insert on the menu bar, select Function, and select SUM. Select the cells you want to find the sum for and press Enter.
The Min and Max Functions: Click the cell where you want to place a minimum or maximum value for a given range. Click Insert on the menu bar, select Function, and select MIN or MAX. Select the range of cells you want to analyze and press Enter.
The Count Function: Click the cell where you want to place a count of the number of cells in a range that contain numbers. Click Insert on the menu bar, select Function, and select COUNT. Select the range of cells you want to analyze and press Enter.
Complete a Series Using AutoFill: Select the cells that define the pattern, i.e. a series of months or years. Click and drag the fill handle to adjacent blank cells to complete the series.
Name a Cell Range: Select a cell range you want to name, click Data on the menu bar, and select Named ranges. Click Add a range, enter a name for the cell range, and Click Done.
Manage Sheets and Data
Insert a Sheet: Click + to the left of the sheet tabs.
Rename a Sheet: Click the sheet tab you want to rename and click the sheet tabs arrow. Select Rename in the menu, then enter a new name and press Enter.
Delete a Sheet: Click the sheet tab you want to delete. Click the sheet tabs arrow, select Delete, and Click OK.
Hide a Sheet: Click the sheet tab you want to hide. Click the sheet tabs arrow and select Hide sheet.
Move a Sheet: Click and drag the sheet tab to the desired location.
Sort a Column: Select a cell in the column you want to sort, click Data on the menu bar, and select a sort order.
Filter Data: Select a cell in a data range. Click Data on the menu bar and select Create a filter. Click the filter arrow for a column, specify the items you want to filter, and Click OK.
Insert Objects
Insert a Chart: Select a cell range containing data for a chart. Click Insert on the menu bar and select Chart. Click the Chart type list arrow in the Chart editor pane and select a chart type.
Modify a Chart: Select a chart, click the More icon, and select Edit chart. Modify the options in the Chart editor pane.
Insert an Image: Click the cell where you want to insert the picture, Click Insert on the menu bar, select Image, and select where you want to insert the image. Select the location from which you want to add an image, then doubleclick an image to insert it.
Insert a Link: Select the cell or object you want to use to create the link. Click Insert on the menu bar and select Link. Specify what you want to Link to, then click Apply.
Refer here for Google Sheets Documentation
Tags: Google Workspace, Google Sheets, Quick Reference, GSuite, Google Spreadsheet, Sheets Help