UiPath Licensing FAQs v2018.3
Most of the organizations / users have doubts when it comes to licensing of RPA tool. Their motive is for good, that they are looking at options to minimize their implementation cost and looking for better and quicker ROI. The below are some of the frequently asked questions related to UiPath Licensing.
Note: The answers presented here relates to version 2018.3 as I am writing this blog and changes could happen in future versions.
UiPath orchestrator now allows to easily manage the robot licenses at one central location. The license page (both at host and tenant level) allows you to upload, renew, remove, and allocate licenses with the click of a button.
1. How do I understand UiPath Concurrent Licenses?
There are two concurrent license types namely Concurrent User and Concurrent Runtime).
a) Concurrent User
This license is available for Attended Robots.
A concurrent user license is consumed in Orchestrator, when the UiPath Robot Tray is running. This enables you to install and activate any number of Robots defined on multiple machines but only use, for example, 10 licenses at a specific moment in time if you procure 10 licenses, as that is the maximum number of users who simultaneously connect their Robot to Orchestrator.
b) Concurrent Runtime
This license is available for Un-Attended Robots.
For concurrent runtime, the orchestrator counts the maximum number of Unattended or Non-Production Robots that are able to execute processes simultaneously. When online and connected to Orchestrator, a machine consumes a number of licenses equal to its runtime capacity.
A Windows workstation or VDI can run only one process at a time. So, it is recommended to assign one run time. A windows server machine with HD bots can run multiple sessions simultaneously and therefore you can assign more runtimes to it.
Note: Concurrent license apply only with existence of Orchestrator.
2. How does UiPath Orchestrator count the concurrent license utilization?
With version 2018.3, once you purchase your license code, you need to activate it and upload to Orchestrator. Check here on “Activating and Uploading your License”. Once uploaded orchestrator will keep track of your licenses. Every time a robot machine is online and connected to orchestrator it acquires / utilized one license. When the machine goes offline the license is set free and it can be acquired by any other robot machine that is trying to run a process.
Note: the license gets consumed only when you start a process for the first time after connecting to orchestrator. If you just connect but not run any process, no license is allocated.
3. I have 3 licenses and my UiPath Orchestrator already counts 3. What will happen if I try to start another process from a fourth machine?
The fourth machine will not be able to acquire license from orchestrator and hence you will not be able to start the process. The robot status will show “Unlicensed”.
4. Can I install more than one UiPath robot license in a machine?
Possible in case of High Density Configuration setup. Note that you will need a windows server OS along with Remote desktop session host (RDSH) enabled for installing bots in HD configuration.
5. Can I install one UiPath license in many machines?
Yes, that is how the concurrent licensing works. You can install the licenses in many machines. But the total number of purchased licenses limits the number of robots that can execute processes simultaneously at any point of time.
6. What does offline support for UiPath Attended bots mean?
All the licenses are managed centrally by Orchestrator. Since attended bots are designed to work as assistants in users PC / Laptop, UiPath has decided to provide offline support for attended bots.
The attended bots retain the license for a determined time-frame (that can be customized from Orchestrator Settings) or until the machine/robot service is restarted. Customer will be able continue using the Attended robot in case of network glitches or Orchestrator unresponsiveness.
7. Can I have few attended named user licenses and few concurrent user licenses under one UiPath Orchestrator tenant?
No, under one orchestrator tenant you can either have Attended named user licenses or Attended concurrent licenses. You cannot have both.
8. What is a non-production license?
The non-production licenses are destined to be used for UAT / testing purpose and cannot be used for production. Non-production robots can be used for testing both as attended or unattended based on customer’s needs. You may have to contact your sales representative to check on the number of non- production licenses you are eligible for.
9. What is a development license?
The UiPath studio includes its own inbuilt robot that helps to run and test the workflows you develop. The studio machines can be connected to orchestrator as development licenses. So the number of development license is equal to the number of studio licenses you purchase. These licenses cannot be used for production purpose.
10. How many processes can I run in one robot licensed machine?
You can deploy as many processes as you want. You can run one process at a time sequentially.
11. How many processes can I run in one concurrent license? If I install the license in 5 machines.
Though you have the license installed in 5 machines, only one machine can acquire the license when connected to orchestrator and start a process. The rest of the machines will display as unlicensed. So, you will be able to run one process at a time using that one license.